Student Conduct Code

The Student Conduct Code establishes community standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning and in keeping with the educational objectives of the University of Oregon.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

All students enrolled at the University of Oregon, Division of Student Life, and Academic Affairs

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at (541) 346-1141 or

Website Address for this Policy: Enactment & Revision History:

12 September 2023 - Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee.

06 December 2022 - Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee.

15 August 2021 – Amendments from 20 May 2021 became effective

20 May 2021 – Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee; effective date of changes 15 August 2021

15 August 2020 – Amendments from 4 June 2020 became effective

4 June 2020 – Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee; effective date of changes 15 August 2020

23 May 2019 - Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee

05 March 2019 - Amended by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the Conduct Committee

17 December 2018 - Temporary Emergency Changes Approved by the President

08 June 2018 - Amended by the Board of Trustees

29 June 2015 - Technical revisions made by the Secretary

04 June 2015 - Amended by the Board of Trustees

11 September 2014 - Amended by the Board of Trustees

01 July 2014 - Become UO policy by operation of law

2006 - Enacted as OAR Chapter 571, Division 21

Section 1: Introduction

The University of Oregon’s mission statement states, “The University of Oregon is a comprehensive public research university committed to exceptional teaching, discovery, and service. We work at a human scale to generate big ideas. As a community of scholars, we help individuals question critically, think logically, reason effectively, communicate clearly, act creatively, and live ethically.” As a community of scholars,

The Student Conduct Code sets forth the community standards and procedures that maintain and protect an environment that is conducive to learning and supports the educational objectives of the University of Oregon.

Section II: Definitions

  1. “Cannabis” means the parts, product, and derivatives of the plant Cannabis sativa, indica, ruderalis, and hybrid strains, regardless of the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol level, and is a federally controlled substance. Pursuant to federal law, the use of cannabis, including medical use, is prohibited on University Premises and at University Sponsored Activities. Cannabis, for the purpose of this policy, does not include FDA approved substances or industrial hemp as permitted by federal law.
  1. “Case Manager” means a University employee who is designated by the Director to investigate and/or determine the appropriate resolution of an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code.
  1. “Complainant” generally means the University. In reports of discrimination or harassment, Complainant may also mean the Student that has been the subject of another Student’s alleged misconduct. A Student Complainant has the same opportunities under the Student Conduct Code as are provided to the Respondent.
  1. “Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards” is the person designated by the University to be responsible for the administration and interpretation of the Student Conduct Code, or their designee. This person may be referred to as “Director”.
  1. “Person Reporting” means any person who reports an allegation. This person is not automatically considered the Complainant.
  1. “Policy” means the written rules and regulations of the University.
  1. “Respondent” means any Student or Student Organization reported to have violated the Student Conduct Code.
  1. “Student” means any person registered or enrolled in a University academic course or program, and any person admitted to the University who is on University Premises for any purpose related to the person’s registration or enrollment, or any person who participates in University programs that require Student status. Student includes any person who was a student in the previous term and is eligible for registration.
  1. “Student Organization” means any group of University of Oregon Students meeting the University’s criteria for organizational recognition or registration established by the University or its units, colleges, or departments. Jurisdiction is retained for behavior that occurred when the Student Organization was recognized of registered, regardless of current status.
  1. “Support Person” means any person who accompanies a Respondent or Complainant for the purpose of providing support, advice, or guidance. Any limitations on the scope of a support person are defined in written procedures or other relevant University policy. Witnesses or other Respondents are not allowed to serve as Support Persons.
  1. “University Appellate Body” means the person or persons designated to consider an appeal from the outcome of an administrative conference. The appellate body for Discriminatory Misconduct and Student Organization conduct cases will be designated by the Vice President for Student Life. The appellate body for all other conduct cases will be designated by the University President.
  1. “University Official” means a person having assigned University responsibilities who is performing their University duties. This includes Students who have been authorized to act on behalf of the University, such as resident assistants.
  1. “University Premises” includes all land, buildings, or grounds owned, leased, operated, controlled, or supervised by the University and adjacent sidewalks and streets.
  1. “University Sponsored Activity” means any activity that is directly initiated or supervised by the University or a Student Organization, on or off University Premises.

Section III: Scope, Authority, and Jurisdiction

  1. The Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards (Director) develops procedures for the administration of the student conduct system.
  1. Allegations of misconduct may be reported to the Director at any time, whether or not the Respondent is currently enrolled or registered. The Director has the authority to determine whether or not the allegation merits further response, including referral to the University student conduct system.
  1. The Student Conduct Code applies to each Student for behavior that occurs from the time of admission, registration, or enrollment (whichever occurs first) through the actual awarding of a degree or complete withdrawal as defined by the University, regardless of when the behavior is reported.
    1. It applies to behavior that occurs during periods of suspension from the University.
    2. It applies even if the Respondent subsequently withdraws from the University.
    3. It applies to behavior that occurs between periods of enrollment unless the Respondent completely withdraws before the deadline to register for the next term. For Students enrolled in the spring term, jurisdiction is maintained until the deadline to register for the fall term.
    1. The Student Conduct Code applies to all activities on University Premises and during any University Sponsored Activity regardless of location. The University may apply the Student Conduct Code to Student behavior which occurs off-campus in which the University can demonstrate a clear and distinct interest as an academic institution regardless of where the conduct occurs and a) which causes substantial disruption to the University community or any of its members, b) which involves academic work or any University records, documents, or identifications, or c) which seriously threatens the health or safety of any person.
    1. Proceedings under the Student Conduct Code are separate from civil or criminal proceedings and may, at the discretion of the Director, be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings.
    1. Allegations of misconduct by Student Organizations will be managed using the same process (Section V. Resolution Process) as individual Students.

    Section IV: Prohibited Conduct

    1. Academic Misconduct
      1. Assisting in the commission of academic misconduct: Helping another engage in academic misconduct.
      2. Cheating: Accessing or using of unauthorized materials, information, tools, or study aids.
        1. Fabrication: Providing false information in fulfillment of an academic assignment, exercise, or other requirement, including making up data, sources, efforts, events, or results and recording, reporting, or using them as authentic.
          1. Multiple submissions of work: Using or submitting the same or substantially the same academic work for credit more than once, unless specifically authorized by the instructor of record for the course in which it’s being submitted for credit. If authorized, appropriate disclosure and citation is required.
            1. Plagiarism: Presenting another’s material as one’s own, including using another’s words, results, processes or ideas, in whole or in part, without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism is contingent on the content of the submitted work product, regardless of whether the unattributed material was included intentionally or unintentionally. The use of material taken from any source—whether directly quoted, paraphrased, or otherwise adapted—must be attributed to that source.Plagiarism also includes the submission of material generated by others. This may include artificial intelligence (AI) content generators and generative AI tools such as ChatGPT; websites with a question-and-answer feature such as Course Hero, Chegg, and Bing; assistance from tutors or online language translators that results in unoriginal work; and work that is purchased or otherwise prepared by another individual.
            2. Unauthorized Collaboration: Working with others in the submission of an assignment, exercise, or other academic requirement for assessment when not expressly permitted by the instructor.This section is not intended to prohibit the type of collaboration that promotes productive discourse and learning between students, such as engaging with lecture materials or course texts; discussing subject matter concepts, ideas, and themes; talking through problem-solving strategies and approaches; or study groups working to prepare for an exam. Unless expressly prohibited by the instructor, such collaboration is encouraged to the extent that students remain able to submit work for assessment which reflects their own individual interpretations, analysis, and conclusions. This level of collaboration will not constitute a violation of the Code, unless expressly prohibited by the instructor.
              1. Unauthorized recording and/or use: Recording and/or dissemination of instructional content, or other intellectual property, without the express written permission of the instructor(s), intellectual property owner or the Accessible Education Center.
              1. Substance Use Misconduct
                1. Alcohol.
                  1. Possession or consumption of alcohol by those under the legal drinking age.
                  2. Furnishing of alcohol to a person under the legal drinking age.
                  3. Possession or consumption of alcohol by a person of the legal drinking age in unauthorized areas or furnishing of an alcoholic beverage to any person in unauthorized areas.
                  4. Causing another to ingest alcohol without consent.
                    1. Cannabis.
                      1. Use, possession, or procurement of cannabis except as expressly permitted by both State and Federal law. Per Oregon law, possession of cannabis by someone under the age of 21 includes possession by consumption, permitted the consumption occurred within the past 24 hours.
                      2. Furnishing, cultivation, manufacturing, distributing, or selling cannabis except as expressly permitted by both State and Federal law.
                      3. Causing another to ingest cannabis without consent.
                        1. Other controlled substances.
                          1. Use, possession, or procurement of a Controlled Substance except as expressly permitted by both State and Federal law.
                          2. Furnishing, cultivation, manufacturing, distributing, or selling of a Controlled Substance, except as expressly permitted by both state and federal law.
                          3. Causing another to ingest a controlled substance without consent.
                            1. Smoking and tobacco.
                              1. Smoking and tobacco use, including “vaping,” is prohibited on University owned or controlled property by University Policy.
                              2. Possession of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems (“e-cigarettes”) by those under 21 years of age on University Premises or at a University Sponsored Activity, is prohibited in accordance with state law. This does not prohibit the use or possession of products that have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product, provided the product is marketed, sold, and used solely for the approved purpose.
                              1. General Misconduct
                                1. Attempts, threats, or inciting others: Attempting to, threatening to, or inciting others to engage in any of the conduct prohibited by this Code.
                                  1. Damage and/or destruction: Damage to or destruction of University property or the property of another.
                                    1. Disruptive behavior: Engaging in behavior that could reasonably be foreseen to cause, or that causes, the disruption of, obstruction of, or interference with:
                                      1. the process of instruction, research, service, administration, administering the Student Conduct Code, or any other University Sponsored Activities,
                                      2. an environment conducive to learning, or
                                      3. freedom of movement on University Premises, either pedestrian or vehicular.
                                        1. Failure to comply: Failure to comply with any reasonable directive of University or public officials in the performance of their duties. This includes but is not limited to, failures to: adhere to no-contact-directives, remove oneself from University Premises, complete conduct outcomes and/or sanctions, and cease and desist.
                                          1. Falsification: Knowingly providing/presenting, creating, or possessing falsified or forged materials, records, or documents. Additionally, intentionally initiating any false report or providing false or misleading information to a person acting in their capacity as a University or public official.
                                            1. Gambling: Any activity not approved by the University in which a person stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under the control or influence of the person, upon an agreement or understanding that the person or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome, except as permitted by law.
                                              1. Harassment: Engaging in behavior that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive to a degree that it interferes with a reasonable person’s ability to work, learn, live, or participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the University.
                                                1. Hazing: Intentionally subjecting another to a situation or action that a reasonable person would foresee as causing mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, injury, or ridicule. Individual acceptance of or acquiescence to any activity does not affect a determination of whether the activity constitutes hazing. This includes compelled participation in behavior which would violate the law and/or University Policy. Hazing may include, but is not limited to, sleep deprivation or causing excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shock, compelled ingestion of a substance, and other activities not consistent with the parent organization’s rules and regulations.
                                                  1. Physical contact: Physical contact that endangers or harms the health or safety of any person. This may include “Violent Behavior” as defined by the Campus Violence Prevention Policy.
                                                    1. Public Urination or Defecation: To urinate or defecate in any public location not specifically designated as a restroom.
                                                      1. Retaliation or Obstruction: Any adverse action taken toward a person who is, or is perceived to be, engaged in an investigation, a report, or student conduct process, because that person participated in the University’s process, or to deter a person from participating in the University’s process. Includes retaliation as defined by the Discrimination Complaint and Response Policy.
                                                        1. Safety hazard: Tampering with firefighting equipment or smoke detectors, causing a false alarm, or endangering the health or safety of others.
                                                          1. Theft: Unauthorized taking or possession of property of another, including goods, services, and other valuables.
                                                            1. Threatening behavior: Behavior that constitutes a threat, as defined by the Campus Violence Prevention Policy.
                                                            2. Unathorized access or use: Unauthorized access to, entry to, or use of physical or virtual space, including misuse of access privileges. Unauthorized use of University property or services, or the property of others. This includes conduct which violates the Access Control Policy and the Facilities Scheduling Policy.
                                                            1. Unwanted contact: Repeated contact or communication to another person when the contacting person knows or should know that the contact or communication is unwanted by the other person and:
                                                              1. The contact would cause a reasonable person fear of physical harm; or
                                                                1. The contacting person knows or should know that the contact or communication significantly impacts the other person’s ability to perform the activities of daily life.
                                                                1. Misuse of computing resources: Violation of UO acceptable use of computing resources policy pertaining to use of computing or network resources, including:
                                                                  1. Unauthorized access to, or sharing of information necessary to access, accounts, courses, course materials, or computer labs;
                                                                  2. Commercial or illegal use of electronic or computer resources; or
                                                                  3. Violation of copyright law.
                                                                    1. Violation of law: Any action or behavior that violates federal, state, or local law.
                                                                    1. Violation of University Policy: Any action or behavior, by a Student that violates University Policy.
                                                                      1. Weapons.
                                                                        1. Possession of explosive materials, firearms, ammunition or other dangerous weapons is prohibited on University Premises and at University Sponsored Activities, unless expressly authorized by law and applicable University Policy. Includes violation of the Firearm Policy.
                                                                        2. Use of explosive materials, firearms, ammunition, other dangerous weapons, or any object or substance used as a weapon is prohibited on University Premises and at University Sponsored Activities, unless expressly authorized by law and applicable University Policy.
                                                                        3. Weapons, possessed, used, or handled off-campus in a manner that is unlawful or contributes to any other violation of the Code is also prohibited.
                                                                        1. Discriminatory Misconduct
                                                                          1. Any action or behavior prohibited by the University of Oregon Prohibited Discrimination and Retaliation Policy.

                                                                          Section V: Resolution Process

                                                                          1. Report. The Director determines within a reasonable time whether a report alleges a potential violation of the Student Conduct Code and whether the matter should proceed through the conduct process.
                                                                          1. Student Rights. If the matter will proceed through the conduct process, the Respondent will:
                                                                            1. Be informed of the alleged violation(s) and the alleged misconduct upon which the report is based.
                                                                            2. Be informed of the process.
                                                                            3. Have the opportunity to meet, in person or virtually, with a Case Manager to review the report, the process, and options for disposition of the case in advance of an administrative conference.
                                                                            4. Have the opportunity to access, prior to an administrative conference, any documentation in possession of the Director that may be relied upon in decision making, subject to limitations from policies, regulations, and State and Federal law. What documentation is available, and how it may be accessed, is defined by written procedure.
                                                                            5. Have the opportunity to respond to the allegations to the Director or their designee in an administrative conference and
                                                                              1. Have a reasonable amount of time to prepare for the conference;
                                                                              2. Have the opportunity to propose relevant witnesses;
                                                                              3. Have the opportunity to submit questions to the Director for witnesses involved; and
                                                                              4. Have the opportunity to be accompanied by a Support Person
                                                                              1. Notice and Administrative Conference.
                                                                                1. The Director assesses whether an informal resolution, alternative resolution, formal student conduct action, or other process is appropriate. If the Director deems formal student conduct action to be appropriate, the Director will issue a written notice to the Respondent via Respondent’s official University of Oregon e-mail address. All communications sent by the Director are considered received when sent. In cases involving Student Organizations, the notice will be emailed to the organization’s representative (normally the president on file with ASUO, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, or the Center for Student Involvement).
                                                                                2. Notice. The notice will identify whether the Respondent may be subject to suspension, expulsion, or negative transcript notation. If the Director receives additional information which could elevate the potential sanction to suspension, expulsion, or transcript notation, the Director will issue a new notice to the Respondent informing them of the additional information and potential sanction(s).
                                                                                3. The Case Manager will schedule an informational meeting as a part of the above notice. The informational meeting is a meeting between a Respondent and a Case Manager to review the report and relevant information, explain the student conduct process, and review possible options for resolving the matter. Respondents need not provide a response to the allegation(s) in this meeting.
                                                                                4. After the informational meeting, the Case Manager will determine whether the case requires an administrative conference. The Respondent may also request an administrative conference. A Student who agrees to resolve violations without an administrative conference may waive their right to appeal. Such a waiver will be knowing, voluntary, and explicit.
                                                                                5. If the Respondent, after receiving notice of the administrative conference does not appear for the conference, the conference will proceed without the Respondent.
                                                                                6. Following the administrative conference, the Case Manager, applying a preponderance of the evidence standard, will determine if any violation of the Student Conduct Code occurred. The Case Manager will determine any sanctions(s) to be imposed for violation(s). In cases involving allegations of Discriminatory Misconduct, the sanction decision will be made by the Director.
                                                                                7. In determining if a Student Organization is in violation, in addition to the above, the Case Manager may consider whether:
                                                                                  1. The violation arises out of a group-sponsored, organized, financed, or endorsed activity or event;
                                                                                  2. The organization provides the impetus for the violation;
                                                                                  3. The violation occurs on the premises owned or operated by the group;
                                                                                  4. A group leader has knowledge of the violation being likely to occur before it occurs and fails to take corrective action; or
                                                                                  5. A pattern of individual violations is found to have existed without proper and appropriate group control, remedy, or sanction
                                                                                  1. Alternate Dispute Resolution Processes. The Director and Respondent may determine that an alternate dispute resolution process (facilitated dialogue, mediation, etc.) is appropriate. Any case resolved through an alternate dispute resolution process may not be appealed and does not result in a finding of a conduct violation.
                                                                                  1. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. A Student requesting an accommodation must follow the appropriate process for requesting an accommodation through the Accessible Education Center. The Accessible Education Center will make a determination regarding the request and notify the appropriate parties.
                                                                                  1. Action Plan. When a Student or Student Organization is found to be in violation of the Student Conduct Code, the Director will develop an action plan intended to promote personal reflection and growth, repair any harm caused, and help the Student or Student Organization realign with institutional values. The following describes the outcomes and sanctions that may be imposed, individually or in various combinations, on any Student or Student Organization as part of an action plan. An administrative sanction may be deferred for a designated length of time.
                                                                                    1. Outcomes.
                                                                                      1. Educational Outcome: The Student or Student Organization is required to complete a project or activity designed to promote learning and prompt changes to Student behavior and prevent further misconduct. Educational outcomes may include, but are not limited to, workshops, seminars, meetings, assignments, and substance abuse assessments.
                                                                                      2. Reflective Outcome: The Student or Student Organization is required to complete a project or activity designed to promote self-reflection on one’s actions and the impact of those actions on others.
                                                                                      3. Restorative Outcome: The Student or Student Organization is required to complete a project or activity designed to address the impact of the behavior and repair harm caused to any person and/or community.
                                                                                        1. Administrative Sanctions.
                                                                                          1. Conduct Warning. The Student or Student Organization is given written notice that the conduct engaged in is inconsistent with University standards and expectations and informed that future violations of the Student Conduct Code may result in the imposition of more serious sanctions.
                                                                                          2. Disciplinary Probation. A period of probation may be imposed during which any violations of the Student Conduct Code will result in more serious sanctions than might be otherwise imposed. A Student or Student Organization on probation may lose designated privileges during the period of probation.
                                                                                          3. Suspension.
                                                                                            1. Individual Suspension. The Student is separated from the University for a specified period. A Student who has been suspended from the University shall not be permitted to reside in University-owned or operated facilities and may not participate in any University Sponsored Activity.
                                                                                            2. Group Suspension. A Student Organization loses University recognition or registration and all associated privileges for a specified period.
                                                                                            1. Appeals. A Respondent may choose to appeal an administrative conference decision within ten business days. The appeal goes to the designated University Appellate Body. In cases involving Discriminatory Misconduct, the Complainant may also appeal the decision to the designated University Appellate Body. Faculty may appeal an academic misconduct finding when they are the Person Reporting or the instructor of record. Appeals must be in writing, state the basis for the appeal, and be delivered as directed to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
                                                                                              1. Except for new information, an appeal is limited to the case file. An appeal will only be accepted for one or more of the following purposes (Basis for Appeal):
                                                                                                1. To determine whether there was any procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter;
                                                                                                2. To determine whether the action plan imposed was appropriate for the violation(s);
                                                                                                3. To determine whether the finding is not supported by the preponderance of the evidence; and/or
                                                                                                4. To consider new information that could alter a decision, only if such information could not have been known to the appealing party at the time of the administrative conference.
                                                                                                  1. After considering an appeal, the University Appellate Body may either modify the action plan or send the matter back to the Director with a recommendation for additional fact finding, other resolution, or dismissal of the case. If the University Appellate Body grants an appeal on the basis of “new information” the only action the University Appellate Body may take is to send it back to the Director with a recommendation for additional fact finding, other resolution, or dismissal of the case.

                                                                                                  Section VI: Interim Action

                                                                                                  The Director may impose an interim action(s) regarding a Student or Student Organization when, in the professional judgement of the Director or designee, it is necessary to address a substantial and immediate threat of harm to persons or property.

                                                                                                  1. Interim action may include, but is not limited to:
                                                                                                    1. Interim removal/suspension of the Student from the University;
                                                                                                    2. Interim removal from, or relocation within, University-owned or operated housing facilities;
                                                                                                    3. Restrictions on the Student’s presence on University Premises or at University Sponsored Activities; and/or
                                                                                                    4. An administrative hold which would prevent registration and the Student from obtaining an official copy of the Student’s transcript.
                                                                                                    1. When the interim action takes place, the Director will:
                                                                                                      1. Inform the Respondent of the reason for the interim action;
                                                                                                      2. Schedule a preliminary meeting and inform the Respondent of its date, place, and time. At the preliminary meeting, Respondent has the opportunity to explain why interim action should or should not be taken.
                                                                                                      1. Within two business days of the interim action, the preliminary meeting takes place. The Respondent may have a Support Person in attendance.
                                                                                                      1. Based on the reasonable evaluation of the information presented at the preliminary meeting, the Director will notify the Respondent of the decision, no later than the following business day, to:
                                                                                                        1. Dissolve the interim action and take no further action;
                                                                                                        2. Dissolve the interim action but proceed to an administrative conference; or
                                                                                                        3. Sustain or modify the interim action until such time as a resolution is reached following an administrative conference.
                                                                                                        1. An interim action is reviewed by Vice President for Student Life’s Designee at the request of the Respondent. The review provides an opportunity for the requesting party to explain in writing why an interim action need no longer be imposed, or should be altered. Subsequent review of the same emergency action may be requested, at most, every ten business days.

                                                                                                        Section VII: Academic Misconduct Procedures

                                                                                                        Regardless of the method of resolution, relevant University Officials, including faculty members, are required to file a written report of any academic misconduct with the Director.

                                                                                                        1. Director Resolution.
                                                                                                          1. In cases of suspected academic misconduct that are reported by relevant University Officials, the case resolution will be conducted in accordance with the procedures established in this Code.
                                                                                                          1. Academic Sanction.
                                                                                                            1. If the Respondent is found in violation of academic misconduct in a course, in addition to the Action Plan imposed through the regular student conduct procedures, the faculty member may assign an appropriate academic sanction, up to and including an “F” or “N” for the course.
                                                                                                            2. The Respondent may appeal an academic sanction to the designated University Official within the department, college, or school from which the academic sanction originated.
                                                                                                            3. If there is a finding that the Respondent did not engage in academic misconduct, no academic sanction may be imposed.
                                                                                                            1. Withdrawing from a Course.
                                                                                                              1. A Respondent may not drop or withdraw from a course that is pending after the Respondent has been made aware of the alleged academic misconduct via notice from the Director.
                                                                                                              2. If a Respondent’s academic misconduct does not result in an academic sanction, the Respondent may withdraw from the course or change the course’s grading option no later than five business days after the decision or termination of Student Conduct Code proceedings without sanction.

                                                                                                              Section VIII: Retention of Student Conduct Records

                                                                                                              1. Student Conduct Records and Files. Case reports will result in the development of a student conduct record in the name of the Respondent and Complainant, if applicable. These records will be maintained for a minimum of seven years in accordance with State of Oregon records policies and in compliance with federal legislation such as FERPA, the Clery Act, and Title IX.
                                                                                                              1. Petition for non-reportable records. Respondents may, under some circumstances, petition to the Director for a conduct record to be considered “non-reportable.” The Director’s decision is discretionary and may not be appealed. If the Director is compelled to report the record by lawful order, the approved petition will not apply.

                                                                                                              Section IX: Student Conduct Code Adoption and Revision

                                                                                                              1. Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Director for final determination.
                                                                                                              1. The Student Conduct Advisory Committee provides peer perspective on matters of student conduct and academic integrity at the University of Oregon. The Committee of Students, faculty, and staff serves a tripartite purpose for supporting the university student conduct system: Advising, Advocating, and Advancing.
                                                                                                                1. The Committee will assist the Director by:
                                                                                                                  1. Advising. Review and make recommendations for changes to the Code and related procedures.
                                                                                                                  2. Advocating. Provide educational outreach to university students, faculty, and staff.
                                                                                                                  3. Advancing. Explore new and innovative ways to increase student and faculty awareness of and involvement in the student conduct program.
                                                                                                                    1. The Director will provide the Committee with an annual report which includes:
                                                                                                                      1. Articulation of currently published procedures
                                                                                                                      2. Overview of previous year, including the activities of the Committee, trends regarding student behavior, and recommendations for the committee’s review.
                                                                                                                      1. Upon approval by the Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon, this Student Conduct Code becomes effective and supersedes all previous policies pertaining to student discipline at the University of Oregon.
                                                                                                                      1. This Code is not a contract, express or implied, between any applicant, student, staff or faculty member. This Code may be amended by the Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon, consistent with the Policy on Retention and Delegation of Authority.