Dignity for all of humankind

Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is the globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In in almost 90 countries all across the globe we empower the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions.

What We Do

Key issues of our work are food security, the promotion of health and education, the access to water, the strengthening of democracy, respecting human rights, keeping peace and the integrity of creation. Brot für die Welt takes steps to make sure that there is enough food for everyone. Because fighting hunger becomes increasingly important in times of climate change and ever scarcer resources.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Guiding Principles Our work is rooted in the faith that bears witness to the world as God’s creation, in the love that encounters the Lord precisely in our disenfranchised and poorest neighbour, and in the hope that acts in accordance with God’s will in expectation of a just world. Brot für die Welt considers itself part of the global Christian Community. We seek the cooperation with churches and church agencies throughout the world and assume our responsibility in ecumenical networks.

Our Work

The work of Brot für die Welt primarily focuses on the support of projects in the countries of the Global South. An essential feature of our projects is the close and continuous cooperation with local, often church-related partner organisations. Upon request, Brot für die Welt provides them with specialists and volunteers. Through lobbying, public relations and education in Germany and Europe we seek to influence political decisions in favour of the poor and to raise awareness for the necessity of a sustainable way of life.

Our Responsibility

Brot für die Welt takes its responsibility towards its employees, members and partners, towards all supporters and target groups as well as towards God’s creation very seriously. Therefore, the agency seeks to constantly improve its internal processes.

All our actions are based on the principles of our work - the principles of transparency, accountability, and the assumption of responsibility in the handling of power and resources. These principles are defined in our Code of Conduct. We appointed an external lawyer as ombudsperson to whom complaints and presumptions of unlawful or unethical conduct can be addressed. We take responsibility and therefore have a code of conduct and a whistleblower system.

Our Strategy

The world stands on the brink of immense upheaval. How can we make it possible for everyone to enjoy a good life, while at the same time preserving the Earth for future generations and protecting God’s creation? This is the key question of our time. The answers we find today as a global community will set the course for the lives of many future generations. Our Strategy 2021+ shows how we see the road to an alternative future and what we will do to help achieve it.