GPS Application in Disaster Management: A Review

Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2321-0893)

The integration of Global Navigation Satellite System data, Geographic Information System, and Remote Sensing data have been and are still being used in wide range of applications. This paper discussed the utilization of these geomatic technologies in the areas of risk and disaster management by placing more emphasis on the use of GPS in monitoring, assessing and managing these disaster events. Furthermore, this study highlighted cases where GPS was used in three disaster periods namely; pre-disaster, during disaster and post-disaster events to predict potentially vulnerable areas, detect occurrences and identify the extent of damages done by disaster. Finally, the paper reveals that the integration of GPS, RS, and GIS in disaster management have not only helped in prediction, detection, and monitoring but also in mapping out the exact disaster extend and assessment of the damages.

Author Biographies

Kamil Muhammad Kafi

Mohamed Barakat A. Gibril


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